Privacy Policy

1. Provider of

1.1. The we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH, Sonnenallee 221, 12059 Berlin, Tel.: +49 (0)30 5210 7030, Fax: +49 (0)30 5210 70330, e-mail: (hereinafter „Provider“), operates the website under as well as its sub-domains (hereinafter „Website“).

1.2. The Provider takes the protection of your data very serious und complies with the applicable data protection regulations, especially the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz – BDSG). The following privacy policy declaration shall give you an overview by which means the Provider ensures this protection as well as what kind of data is collected for which purpose.

1.3. Should you have any questions to or problems with data protection issues, please contact the Provider’s data protection officer (see Sec. 12).

2. Collection, processing and use of data

2.1. The Provider automatically collects and stores information which your browser transfers to the Provider while opening the Website or any sub-websites – unless you disabled the relevant functions. This data shall only ensure the smooth operation of the Website and shall only be analyzed to optimize the offered services and do not enable the Provider to identify you as a person. This information includes:
• Hostname of used device
• IP address of device/access point
• Date and time of server request
• Designation of (down)loaded files or information
• Transferred data volume
• OS and information on device’s web browser

3. Personal data

3.1. While visiting the Website personal data will be collected, processed and used only as described hereinafter. Personal data is any single information on a personal or factual situation of an identified or identifiable person (not included: legal entities, e.g. limited liability corporation, stock corporation). Information such as name, address, e-mail address or professional situation are only some examples.

4. Collection, processing and use of personal data

4.1. The Provider collects, processes and stores your personal information, if you provide it in connection with an enquiry for information, the subscription of a newsletter, an order of services of the Provider or a third party or any other use of the Website or any other way of getting into contact with us (e.g. by e-mail or telephone).
In this context the relevant data will be collected. In addition, further data may be requested which is helpful for the customer service as well as the information appropriate to your needs; the provision of this data is optional and will be marked accordingly. The Provider uses the data provided by you for the processing of your enquiry or contract. In order not to be obliged to provide the same information to the Provider again, the data will be stored until it is not required for processing your enquiry or contract anymore.
The processing of data is based on Art. 6. para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b GDPR in case it serves the processing of a contract or any action prior to entering into a contract. If you gave your consent to the collection and processing of your data, it will be in compliance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR.

4.2. Any personal data will be stored on servers in Germany or within the EU. Any transfer of data to recipients outside the EU is subject to its compliance with Art. 44 ff. GDPR.

4.3. You have a right to object to the use of your data for direct marketing purposes. To exercise this right, you can use the contact form or send a message specifying your e-mail-address to, stating your intention to object.

5. Disclosing of data to third parties

5.1. The Provider will disclose your personal data to third parties only, if

5.1.1. a service provider, whose services you are interested in, needs the data in order to prepare an individual offer for you or to get into contact with you. These service providers are entitled to use your data only to the extent required for the specific purpose or approved by you unless you get any other explicit information and give your consent; or
5.1.2. the disclosure is necessary for the provision of a service (e.g. disclosure of food intolerances to the Hotel) requested or authorized by you; or
5.1.3. there is a mandatory administrative or judicial order.

6. Deletion and Cancellation of data

6.1. Your personal data will be deleted without delay upon request or after the termination of your agreement with the Provider unless statutory legal obligations require the retention for a longer duration (e.g. tax or trade law) or justified interests of the provider would be endangered by the immediate deletion.

6.2. There is no obligation to delete data as long as not all contractual obligations are fulfilled and your data is hereto required.

6.3. Should data be incorrect, the data will be corrected upon the provider being aware of it or upon your request.

7. Right to information / Other rights

7.1. Upon request the Provider informs you about
• the collection of personal data,
• the purpose of the data processing,
• the categories of the processed data, as well as
• the recipients to which the data had to be disclosed due to statutory obligations or contractual relationships.

7.2. You may receive a copy of the data which was collected from you and processed upon request.

7.3. In order to enable a quick transfer, your data can be provided in a format readable for you as well as for a subsequent service provider upon request and subject to the compensation of the costs.

7.4. In case of violations of data protection regulations you are entitled to complain to the competent supervisory authority, in your case being the Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit.

8. Cookies

8.1. The Website uses so-called „Cookies“ at different locations. These are used to make the Website services more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies are text information which is transferred from a website to the Cookie file of the browser on the harddrive of your computer or other device so that the Website can – among others – recall which device has been used to open it. A Cookie typically comprises the domain name which provided the Cookie, the “lifetime” of the Cookie as well as a value which is usually a randomly generated individual number. The Website may use the following kinds of Cookies:

8.1.1. Session Cookies: Those are temporarily stored Cookies which remain in the Cookie file of your Browser until you leave the Website. Session Cookies make it possible to identify the device during the use of the Website. After you have left the Website, these information are no longer stored.
8.1.2. Persistent Cookies: Those remain in the Cookie file of your browser for a while. How long depends on the “lifetime” of the specific Cookie. With the expiration of this lifetime the Cookie deletes itself. The purpose of using Persistent Cookies is to ensure the functionality of the Website (e.g. basket in webshop). Persistent Cookies do not comprise personal data. The name, IP address, etc. are not stored therein.
8.1.3. Web Beacons: These are electronic characters (also called „Clear GIFs“ or „Web Bugs“), which enable the Provider to count the users which opened/visited the website.

8.2. In case you do not want to give your consent to the use of Cookies or Web Beacons, you may reject these as well as the access to previously stored information by adjusting your browser accordingly. The settings within your browser required for this differ from browser to browser, usually these can be found under “Privacy Policy” or “Cookies” within the “internet options” or the “settings” menu of your browser. In case you need assistance with deactivating the Cookies you should have a look at the “Help” menu. Please note that you may not be able to use all functions of the Website should Cookies and/or web Beacons be disabled.

8.3. When opening the Website, a banner informing you of the use of Cookies on the Website will appear.

8.4. Google Analytics
The Provider uses Google Analytics, a web-based analyzing service of Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA („Google“). Google Analytics uses Cookies as well (see description under sec. 8), which allow analyzing your use of the Website. The information on your use of the website generated by the Cookie are normally transferred to a server of Google in the US and stored there. On this website, the anonymizing of the IP address is enabled, so that the IP address of Google users within the member states of the EU or other contracting states of the EEA is shortened. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address is transferred to a Google server in the US and shortened there. On behalf of the Provider Google uses the information in order to analyze your use of the website, to create reports on website activities and to provide services in connection with the use of the website and the internet towards the Provider. The IP address transferred by your browser for Google Analytics is not combined with other data collected by Google.
You can prevent the storage of Cookies by enabling this browser function; however, the Provider notifies you that in this case, you may not use the full features of the Website comprehensively. Furthermore, you can prevent the collection of the data generated by the Cookie and pertaining to your use of the Website (including your IP address) by Google by downloading and installing the Browser Plugin available under the following link:

8.5. Google Maps
On the Website, a map provided by Google Maps, a service by Google, is embedded. No User data is transferred to Google when you are only viewing the map. As soon as you click on the map, data can be transferred zo Google Maps.
You can prevent the storage of Cookies by enabling this browser function; however, the Provider notifies you that in this case, you may not use the full features of the Website comprehensively. Furthermore, you can prevent the collection of the data generated by the Cookie and pertaining to your use of the Website (including your IP address) by Google by downloading and installing the Browser Plugin available under the following link:

8.6. Google reCAPTCHA
To ensure the safe transfer of data input on forms, we use the reCAPTCHA service provided by Google in certain cases. This mainly serves the purpose of discerning whether a natural person is using the form or if improper use by a machine or automatic input is apparent. The Service includes transfer of the IP-address and possible further data to Google if these are necessary for the use of the reCAPTCHA Service. For this Service, the diverging privacy policy of Google applies. (

9. Social Plugins
The Provider uses a variety of social plugins:

9.1. Facebook
The Website uses Social plugins of the social network which is being operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94394, USA (“Facebook”). The Plugins are marked with a Facebook logo. Upon opening the Website, your Browser will establish a direct connection to the servers of Facebook. The content of the plugin will be transferred directly from Facebook to your Browser and included in the Website by your Browser. By embedding the Plugin, Facebook will receive the information that you have opened the Website of the Provider, amongst others. If you are logged into your Facebook account, your visit to the Website can be connected to your Facebook account. If you interact with the Plugin, e.g. by clicking on the “I like”-Button or by leaving a comment, this information will be directly transferred to Facebook by your Browser and stored there. The purpose and scope of the data collection and processing and the further use and processing of the data by Facebook as well as your rights and configuration possibilities pertaining to this with regard to your privacy can be found in the privacy terms of Facebook:
Should you want to refuse Facebook the processing of your data, you need to log out of your Facebook account prior to visiting this Website. If you are not a member of Facebook or have logged out of your account, the possibility of your IP-address being transferred to and stored by Facebook still remains.

9.2. Twitter
The Website uses Plugins by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (“Twitter”). The Plugins are recognizable through the Twitter logo.
By embedding the “Tweet”-Button, Twitter receives the information that you have visited the corresponding page of the Website. If you are logged into you Twitter account, Twitter can connect this visit to your account. By clicking on the Tweet-Button, a connection to the servers of Twitter will be established. If you are logged into your Twitter account, you can directly “tweet” our link.
More on the functionalities and the treatment of your data as well as further uses by Twitter can be found in the privacy information of Twitter:
Should you want to refuse Twittter the use of your data, you need to log out of your Twitter account before visiting the Website. If you are not a member of Twitter, there is still a possibility of your data being transferred and stored there.

9.3. XING
The “Xing Share-Button” is in use on the Website. Upon opening the Website, your Browser will establish a short-term connection to the Servers of XING SE, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany (“XING”) in order to provide the functions of the “XING Share-Button” (especially the calculation and display of the counter). XING will not store any personal data pertaining to your visit of this Website. XING does not store any IP-addresses. There will also be no evaluation of your online presence through Cookies in connection with the “XING Share-Button”. The current privacy information pertaining to the “XING Share-Button” and additional Information can be found on this website:

9.4. LinkedIn
The Website uses Plugins of the network LinkedIn. Provider is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“LinkedIn”).
With every visit to one of our Websites or subpages that contains LinkedIn functions, a connection to the servers of LinkedIn will be established. This way, LinkedIn will receive your IP-address. If you click on the “Recommend-Button” by LinkedIn and are logged into your LinkedIn account, it is possible for LinkedIn to connect your visit to our Website with your account. As the Provider of this Website we have no knowledge of the data transferred or their use by LinkedIn.
Further information pertaining to this can be found in the privacy terms of LinkedIn:

10. Zendesk LiveChat
The Website uses Zendesk LiveChat, a service by Zendesk Inc., 1019 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (“Zendesk”). The terms and conditions of Zendesk Inc. apply.
With the use of Zendesk LiveChat, the personal data transferred by you will be stored on the servers of Zendesk. Also, your data can be matched to the data stored with the Provider in order to answer your requests faster and more accurate. Zendesk has pledged to uphold the legal framework of the GDPR.
Further Information can be found on this website:

11. Tidio Chat

This website is using Tidio, a chat platform that connects users with the customer support of we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH. We are collecting email addresses/names/comany names/phone numbers only with the consent of the users, in order to start the chat. The messages and data exchanged are stored within the Tidio application. For more information, please refer to their Privacy Policy. we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH is not making use of these messages or data other than to follow up on users’ registered issues or inquiries. Your personal data will be processed and transmitted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

12. Re-Targeting
The Provider uses so-called Re-Targeting technologies. This enables the approach of internet users who have already shown an interest in the Shop or Products of the Provider via advertisements on the websites of other partners. The insertion of this advertisement is based upon Cookies and analysis of your previous online habits. This kind of advertisement takes place completely anonymized. No personal data is being stored and no user profiles will be combined with your personal data.
In your Browser you can adjust your settings in order to only accept storage of Cookies you have approved. If you only want to approve Cookies of the Website itself, but no Cookies from service partners or other partners, chose the setting “block Cookies from third parties”.
Usually, the help function in your Browser’s menu bar will show you how to refuse new Cookies and deactivate present ones. As an alternative, you can deactivate the acceptance of third party Cookies by visiting the deactivation site of the EDAA (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance).

13. Data protection officer
The Provider appointed an external data protection officer who you can contact as follows:
Mr Patrick Rayermann
(TÜV-certified data protection officer)
CERTITUT – Gesellschaft für Compliance und Datenschutz mbH
E-Mail: privacy [at] we-conect [dot] com

14. Modification of this privacy policy
The Provider may later on adjust the security or data protection measures/means should this be required due to technical or legal developments. In these cases the Provider will adjust also this privacy policy accordingly. Please take notice of the privacy policy as amended from time to time.

15. Information requests and contact
You are entitled to request (1) the information which has been stored by the Provider about your person as well as (2) the correction, blocking or deletion of this data free of charge. In case of questions regarding the collection], processing or use of your personal data, information requests, correction, blocking or deletion of data as well as your right to object of any declared consent or objection against a specific use of data please contact

16. Declarations of Consent
The Provider has recorded your declarations of consent. You can terminate any of your declarations of consent for the future at any time. Please reach out to the contact named in Number 14 in order to do this.

Please also find the general privacy policy statement of the we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH under